What is Church Movement?
Is it tracking the data for growth? Is it creating a great guest experience? Is it the growth of a person as they begin to serve? Is it when finances grow in a church setting? Yes! Church movement is this and so much more, because people are always moving and growing and changing church movement is something to be intentional and purposeful in every area of church and non profit work. For many years we have talked about church work as if it was static, its not it is always moving, and we must be prepared for that movement.
Church movement is a pathway for people to become a part of a church family or a mission. When we blend faith, the God given talents and resources available in each specific church, and a plan for movement, these church works become powerful. CWM (Church Works Ministries) functions under a Four step process that helps to build ministry, accurately access how a ministry is moving forward in fulfilling its mission, and next steps to take. This Ministry model consists of Sacred Calling, Discipleship, Outreach, and Mission.
Psalm 139 says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; that every human has a unique DNA. Some of us are small, some tall, we come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Churches are the same way. No one church is like the other. Each church has a specific calling and purpose, created to serve the kingdom of God. The myriad of faith communities and ministries in our world give glory to God in the uniqueness that God has given to them. A quick look at the early writings of the apostle Paul show that each church he wrote to had a Sacred Calling, or a specific purpose. Some churches know what their sacred calling is, while others may still be in the discovery process.
Knowing your Sacred Calling allows Church Works Ministries to support you in all aspects of church work. We want to honor the Sacred Calling of your church or non-profit by starting from the beginning to create an entire holistic ministry plan to accomplish the work God has given you. We desire to help you be you and cheer for you along the way. Before we do any planning, consulting, coaching and strategizing, Church Works Ministries wants to listen to you and your staff and hear what your sacred calling is. We want to hear the vision and dreams God has given you. If you are not sure of that vision, CWM can help you to figure out what your passion is, in order to move forward with a clear purpose and plan. This Sacred Calling is vital to how we create and support ministry in the local church and is the first step in creating a unique Assimilation plan. Everything from the guest experience to a capital campaign is built off of this very important Sacred Calling and vision.
Discipleship creates capacity. What we mean by that is that a church or non-profits’ ability to do Outreach and Mission depends on the capacity of the Discipleship element. Matthew 28 says to “Go, and make disciples”. We typically make disciples by preaching and teaching. This has been the primary mode of disciple making for centuries. The question today is if there are other ways to help make disciples. CWM believes that every time someone serves in your church or organization it is a chance to help them along in their Discipleship process. The movement of any organization depends on volunteers to accomplish the work of the ministry. When people volunteer they move from a place of “I attend church” to “This is my church”. Part of the Assimilation process is helping people through the process of Discipleship. Do you have capacity for new volunteers and a sustainable plan to allow them to learn and grow in order to allow ministry to happen? The volunteer experience is designed to create sustainable capacity in your ministries and to help disciples grow and thrive so you can continue to focus your efforts on the Sacred Calling God has given you.
Volunteer Experience Package
Evaluation of ministry capacity and sustainability that honors the Sacred Calling
Design of Volunteer Central
Creation of check-in system for volunteers
Training for and coaching of the 3-step volunteer process
Customized job descriptions for ministry champions and volunteers
integration of volunteers with data management systems to communicate and track activity
Customized training videos for volunteer landing spots
Training with integration of data management for sustainability and evaluation
Integration of volunteer experience on all digital platforms including website and social media
Creation of simple and manageable communication pathways for volunteers
Coaching for church leaders and ministry champions
The Guest Experience is the flagship of outreach. Creating an intentional space is crucial to the Outreach element. Most churches were not designed with the Guest Experience at the forefront of their planning. Creating space with a look and feel that says to the guest, “We have been waiting for you to come join our family”, is impactful from the moment someone steps into a church or drives into the parking lot. This happens in a split second. Clear signage and a welcoming space to engage may make or break someones experience. The language we use as we engage those who have just landed should communicate and create a sense of belonging. That is why the Guest Experience is implanted into the outreach element. It would be a waste of time if we created such a great Guest Experience and no one came to your church.
Guest Experience Package
Design of connection space that fits the feel and heart of your community
Design of interior signage and exterior signage that flows with the design and over all feel of your facility
Customized training & plan for welcoming guests that reflects the specifics of your property
Ministry plan to develop connection volunteers for areas like: parking lot staff, welcome center, tour guides, children’s ministry welcome center, golf cart greeters….and so much more
Customized training videos for your guest experience connect team
Integration with data base
Customized scripts for follow up by email or phone
Ongoing training and coaching
Connection plan for outreach includes ministry templates for events and relationship building to bring people to your front door
Digital, social media, and marketing plan to reach your community digitally
Custom designed welcome packet for your church
Partnership, Partnership, Partnership.
There is a saying- “Work smarter, not harder”. Often churches don’t have the funds or the means to do all they desire with local and global Missions. Most pastors know how important it is to help their church get involved in Missions, but with all that they have to do, this sometimes feels overwhelming. CWM has made this step easy by partnering with local and global organizations that are well established. Church Works Ministries has a large network of opportunities that will fit the sacred calling of your church. We can leverage these connections to create opportunities for your congregation utilizing a proven system to create community involvement. We follow closely the practical model from Acts 1:8, “We are to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth”. This gives a clear road map to create balance in your Missions program.
Missions Experience Package
Training and mentoring in the 3-step volunteer process for Mission
A balanced missions plan, using Acts 1:8 as a practical guide
Reproducible local & global Missions ministries that fit your church, community and heart for the world at all levels.
Mentoring and training for leadership and ministry champions
Training in how to build partnerships in the government and civic areas of your community
Social media and digital plan to market and create influence in your community for Missions
Coaching in fundraising for Mission that does not take from your general fund
Proven 3-step volunteer process to engage your congregation and people who have not yet attended your church